Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Well Hello There,

Well hello there, my name is Lacey and this is my blog! Why am I starting a blog? It's simply something fun to do to get away from everything and to jot down my misadventures with life and my friends. Let me tell you a little about myself.
I'm a huge Tennessee Titans fan. I go to all of their homes games each Sunday and i'm trying out for their cheerleading squad on April 21st.
I'm a princess.
I'm about the biggest family girl you will meet. My family is amazing and means the absolute world to me.
I'm the princess of cupcakes, I want to open a bakery one day.
This is my brother, Brock. He's a pretty cool dude and pretty much of of my best friends.
These are my two best friends Sam and Allie. They get me throughh each day. I love them both to death and don't know what i would do without them. We're roommates at Austin Peay State University.
I'm obsessed with the color pink.
Crafts are my favorite thing to do.
This is my sister Molly. She's the absolute best dog in the world.
My nickname is Lacey Gaga. My brother has been calling me Gaga since before he could talk meaning i was Gaga before Lady Gaga even thought about it.
It's nice to meet you. :)

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