Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Saturday Funday

This post is long overdue seeing as it is now Tuesday but it is a post that has to be written. Saturday i ventured back home to go to a nice "estate sale" with my beloved mother that said the browser ad for this sale was very nice.

"Estate Sale. Books, Antiques, Furniture, Kitchen Items, Miscellaneous. Springfield TN"

So i figured okay let's go!! Being the huge yard sale freak that i've been raised to be i couldn't resist any yard, garage, or estate sale, especially when i've gone all winter without one!!

Pulling up to the house was only the beginning as we weren't sure if we were in the right place until we saw the ghetto piece of paper with an arrow on the truck in the driveway pointing to the front door...Sadly, we were in the right place. Mom said, "Well maybe its just the outside that looks bad." Boy was she wrong. Our fake excitement yard sale faces were on and were definately being tested. As we walked through the door we noticed that it was as though we were walking up a ramp and the kitchen was a downward sloped ramp. Apparently the joints under the house had broken and the landlord refused to fix them so the family was moving. "The house itsself is nice, we love the layout" Said the husband walking around at 10 am with a mason jar of Bud Lite in his hand. I honestly cannot believe anyone would live in this filthy place with the joints fixed. So much for a great estate sale mom. We did get a couple of laughs out of it thought like.....

Stove with missing faceplate only $1?? Anyone want it, I'm sure it's still there. I can guarentee you the faceplate wasn't the only thing wrong with this poor stove.

And this... You can't see the sign very well but it says "Flat TV".......hmmm anyone else see the big bulky old school back of this "Flat" TV?

Next we ventured to Goodwill in springfield and man did i finnd exactly what i was looking for!! a treasure!!

Because duh...I'm a princess.

Then onto Mom's favorite Antique store in Springfield where we picked up Laurie's latest love that for some reason she left when she was there last time, how could she do such a thing? 

Here's the inside, she's already blogged about it over at her blog! Check it out! peppysis.blogspot.com

And our final stop was to a small town thrift store in little ole White House! Books put together like this just make me so happy.

Lobster pin? This my friend is a scorpion, not a lobster.

And don't you dare stick your hand in the candy jar without paying first because this candy is NOT free!

I did find this amazing crafty hand painted sign there along with some advice of how to modge podge over old used cookie sheets by the crafter herself! can't wait to do some fun stuff with mine!!

Lastly, i will leave you with this precious angel of a sister. This is my Molly. Princess Molly Anna Marie Denton to be exact but she only gets called her full name when she gets in trouble which isn't alot. Talk about a spoiled rotten dog. This is her favorite dress. She's a puppy model, can't you tell by her puppy model legs? She was posing =)

x0Princess Lacey

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