Wednesday, February 8, 2012

To Dickson Co. we go.

Today started off wayyyy too early for me but i have to say, it's been one of the most productive days i've had this year so far. Luckily it didn't start with Sam or Allie stepping on me. I've been sleeping on the floor in Sam's room as I have about the absolute worst roommate situation in the entire world. Sam woke me up at 7:30 and we were out the door by 8 and on our way to her cute little town of Dickson, Tennessee. We met her mom for breakfast and coffee before her mom had class. We had breakfast at a cute little down home place called Ace's on the downtown strip with the nicest waiter.

Then Sam and i got coffee at a place called House blend which was also adorable. I fell in love with this hand painted table.

We then made our way down the strip checking out the vintage looking very old buildings. We had to wait for most of the places to open and only went in one but i couldn't help but keep my eyes wide open at all the old signs and such. Vogue? Don't mind if i do!!

I loved how even though the letters had been taken down, the name still remained.

This is where Sam's dad gets his Carhart's. Loved the old color of the letters, besides pink it's my favorite color.

and here's a picture of the lovely rolled outta bed ladies that took the trip. Me and Sam.

After we grabbed some boxes at her house in Dickson, we made our way back to Clarksville to get some serious business done. We had so much to do and only so many hours in the day. In about three hourse we packed up my entire room,

cleaned out my colorful array of headbands

packed up our entire kitchen, rearranged our pantry and labeled everything making it alot easier to find things for the next 8 days. These are all of my kitchen spices, food colorings, and baking flavors.

and last but not least put up my cute little cozy and extremely comfortable cot i will be sleeping on for the next week. Sam is actually jealous at the amount of comfort my body will be willowing on as opposed to her cramped bed while she cuddles with Allie. It is surprisingly comfy and when i thought about how long i would be sleeping in it i was a little sad that its only 8 days. Then i remembered our other roommates, the situations, the drama, and the fact that we are three girls living in one room, sleeping on a bed and a cot, and sharing one bathroom and that sorrow went away real quick.

After we got most of the packing and cleaning done i was certainly not done with my day. I had been on a role and i wasn't stopping now! There was dinner and cupcakes to be made. I made us a stir fry while cleaning up my mess while baking cupcakes while making sweet tea while watching American Idol. The cupcakes will be on here tomorrow as i want them to sit overnight. I am super pleased with them, they are Violet Velvet instead of red =) After a very very productive day i suppose i should call it a night now, so Sweet dreams everyone!!
P.S. i officially mailed in my Tennessee Titans forms today!!
xoxo Princess Lacey

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