Monday, February 27, 2012

Best weekend of my life

I will begin this post by finally showing you the cupcake order i did a few weeks back with the new rose technique i learned. she wanted purple and her name started with an M, obviously. So here they are!!
heres the rose! start from the inside instead of the outside when icing the cupcake!

Okay now onto one of the best nights of my life...Friday!!

First of all, my cowboy boots say Andy on the bottom just like Woody on ToyStory which i think rocks.

Next My Aunt Faye, Aunt Sabin, Mom, and Nanny came to have lunch with me!!

Here's me in front of the awesome old movie theater, mom insisted i be in it.

here's where we ate, downtown.

and here's my awesome mom! hi mom!

isn't this floor just amazing?its super old and in an antique store downtown.
Here's the group!!!
Next on the agenda comes the part i've been waiting on for about a year now.

we got all country girled up for it!!

seriously it was amazing, i stood up the whole time. This was jason and luke playing we rode in trucks, one of my favs.

heres me and sammy. she was my plus one and i'm now her absolute favorite best friend because of it.

kappa mcbadasses..sorry had to.

i figured id get more use out of koozies than a tshirt, if you dont know i have a pretty bad koozie obsession so these are what left the concert with me. Lukes is on the left and Jasons on the right.

these are lyrics to We Rode in Trucks which the boys sang together on the stage Friday. wanna see?

That was one of my favorites.

My two roommates and i are trying to win a scavenger hunt downstairs in the office that ends maarch 19th so look forward to seeing those pics next =)


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chicken Bacon Wraps

This seems to be my two roommates favorite night, the night that they walk into the kitchen and see that there is chicken wrapped in bacon cooking in the oven. And i have to agree with them, it quite possibly be my favorite night too. Although my belly gets super full, way too full. The recipe is one i found on pinterest and i couldn't resist. Might I say it's a fav of the family too?
Chicken Bacon Wraps:

chicken breasts
bacon strips
chili powder
brown sugar

1. Thaw out chicken breasts. (one per person)
2.Mix together chili powder and brown sugar. The spicier you want them, add more chili powder.
3. Cut chicken into small strips.
4.Cut strips of bacon into thirds.
5. Dip chicken strips into mixture of powder and sugar and wrap in a small strip of bacon.
6. Repeat until chicken is gone.
7. Pour honey onto the wraps before you put them in the oven.
8. Place in oven at 425 for about thirty minutes or until chicken is done.

And voila!! Basically the tastiest thing you've ever put in your mouth!

Also i made unsweet tea...don't freak out! I don't drink unsweet tea. Ugh gross, I'm pretty sure i drink more sweet tea than a marathon runner drinks water. But i wanted to try and make Demos' famous liquid sugar to sweeten our sweet tea!

Don't be fooled by the awesome shaker. Being college students all we do here is drink right? Haha wrong. My two roommates and I are about the three most sad excuses for college kids. This is the only cup i had to pour anything out of. (by the way this shaker came from bath and body works around new years last year with lotion in it. i just wanted it because it was pink) Anyways, this liquid sugar stuff was absolutely amazing. It also let me sweeten my tea more than my roommates, which is the way i like it. I told Danny if i didn't drink so much sweet tea, i wouldn't be so sweet.

Demos' Liquid Sugar
equal parts sugar and water

1. Combine both ingredients in saucepan over heat until sugar is dissolved.
2. Pour mixture into a pourable glass and enjoy!!

Finally I have gotten my Princess decals back up on my walls making me feel a bit less anxious about the way my walls look. Soon enough they will be full and back to normal!!

Cause i'm a princess...duh.
Tomorrow will consist of cleaning and making everything look good for our guests for Friday =)
Can't wait for Mom, Nanny, Aunt Faye, Aunt Sabin, and maybe Aunt Marty to come see the new place friday! Also, i get to see my two favorite men in the whole wide world Friday, Luke Bryan and Jason Aldean or as i like to call them, Lukey and Jay Jay. And i cannot wait. Lastly i will leave you guys with this. This is my two cousins and I recreating an old picture that nanny has stored away at her house, sadly we took up alot less of the kitchen floor in the old picture.

x0Princess Lacey

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Best Week of my Life.

Well this week has finally arrived, the moving week. The day where i can finally breathe again and not have to deal with any drama from sorority girls or 38 year old monsters!!! This fabulous day was yesterday and today i can breathe like i haven't been able too since about October. The Barkers moved out on Sunday and the maintenance guys worked on our room Monday meaning Monday night was the green light to go. After a few painful trips back downstairs to my old room to get all of my stuff...i have alot of stuff...we finally got it all up and spent all laast night working on everything. The kitchen and the living room look absolutely amazing.

This is our living room. Complete with actual curtains and decorations on the walls, who knew it could be done? And of course a Wii. Come on over and play just dance anytime you want!

This is the main wall in the kitchen which i am in love with. Mom gave me the clock for christmas and i got the printable from pinterest. They werent supposed to be faded like that but after i saw it that way i liked it even better. Thats what happens when your printer runs out of ink!!

And this is the coolest idea we've come up with yet!! Accent lighting using christmas lights above the cabinets!! Could i be anymore in love???
i have fallen in love with these wall decals!!
These are Apothecary jars i made. just a simple glass and candle stick from the dollar store hot glued together!!

This is how most of my walls look, full. i just adore decoration.

And this is the awesome wall decal above my shower. Get naked, cause that's what you do in a shower.

this is part of my room. my bed usually doesn't look this dull, my princess canopy will be going back up soon!! just a few posters, my favorite being my Sex and the City one of course and a few canvas'. i made two of them, the one in the middle my lovely friend Samela made me for christmas.
This whole side of the room is definately my favorite. Between my creative corner, my light up Lacey light, and my Paris eiffel tower i'm in heaven. i worked at bath and body works over the holidays and my lucky little name got drawn to win this amazing eiffel tower that i had been drooling over for months. It's pretty much the reason i wanted a job there, i never imagined i'd actually come away with it!

This is my creative corner and i'm so proud of it. This wall has art work from me, my cousin Katelyn, my cousin Neeley, and my boyfriend Alex Deleon. Also notice the velour chandeiller. I snagged that awesome thing at hobby lobby on sale for like $5!!
Now this is my Lacey light thats been hiding at my room back home. it is absolutely the best gift i've ever recieved. Dan Dan made this for me two years ago for Valentines day because i made a comment about the TGI Fridays one they had about their kitchen. He said every princess deserved to have her name in lights.

and it sure is in lights =) So there's my new room!! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. We are all three finally happy and able to brethe again! Thank God!
I'll leave you guys with this that was sitting right beside the peeps in the dollar store today...what a sad excuse for an easter marshmallow treat.

Also, my cousin Jessica and I have fun conversations.

x0Princess Lacey

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Saturday Funday

This post is long overdue seeing as it is now Tuesday but it is a post that has to be written. Saturday i ventured back home to go to a nice "estate sale" with my beloved mother that said the browser ad for this sale was very nice.

"Estate Sale. Books, Antiques, Furniture, Kitchen Items, Miscellaneous. Springfield TN"

So i figured okay let's go!! Being the huge yard sale freak that i've been raised to be i couldn't resist any yard, garage, or estate sale, especially when i've gone all winter without one!!

Pulling up to the house was only the beginning as we weren't sure if we were in the right place until we saw the ghetto piece of paper with an arrow on the truck in the driveway pointing to the front door...Sadly, we were in the right place. Mom said, "Well maybe its just the outside that looks bad." Boy was she wrong. Our fake excitement yard sale faces were on and were definately being tested. As we walked through the door we noticed that it was as though we were walking up a ramp and the kitchen was a downward sloped ramp. Apparently the joints under the house had broken and the landlord refused to fix them so the family was moving. "The house itsself is nice, we love the layout" Said the husband walking around at 10 am with a mason jar of Bud Lite in his hand. I honestly cannot believe anyone would live in this filthy place with the joints fixed. So much for a great estate sale mom. We did get a couple of laughs out of it thought like.....

Stove with missing faceplate only $1?? Anyone want it, I'm sure it's still there. I can guarentee you the faceplate wasn't the only thing wrong with this poor stove.

And this... You can't see the sign very well but it says "Flat TV".......hmmm anyone else see the big bulky old school back of this "Flat" TV?

Next we ventured to Goodwill in springfield and man did i finnd exactly what i was looking for!! a treasure!!

Because duh...I'm a princess.

Then onto Mom's favorite Antique store in Springfield where we picked up Laurie's latest love that for some reason she left when she was there last time, how could she do such a thing? 

Here's the inside, she's already blogged about it over at her blog! Check it out!

And our final stop was to a small town thrift store in little ole White House! Books put together like this just make me so happy.

Lobster pin? This my friend is a scorpion, not a lobster.

And don't you dare stick your hand in the candy jar without paying first because this candy is NOT free!

I did find this amazing crafty hand painted sign there along with some advice of how to modge podge over old used cookie sheets by the crafter herself! can't wait to do some fun stuff with mine!!

Lastly, i will leave you with this precious angel of a sister. This is my Molly. Princess Molly Anna Marie Denton to be exact but she only gets called her full name when she gets in trouble which isn't alot. Talk about a spoiled rotten dog. This is her favorite dress. She's a puppy model, can't you tell by her puppy model legs? She was posing =)

x0Princess Lacey

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I apologize fully for my lack of blogging. This whole week ive been pretty busy with school, friends, and Valentines day!!! I guess i should start from the start...those cupcakes i promised? ill put them up as soon as i can!! Packing packing packing, look little Sam fits in my luggage!
Now this is what i'm working on, stretching for my tryouts to have such a beautiful kick like this for the kick line! Which by the way, i got an email saying i got in the workshop i wanted for the try outs and my check went through meaning im officially trying out =)

Next on the Agenda, skipping a few days in between, is Valentines day =) 
These are the cupcakes i made Danny for Valentines day, He got some Valentines day roses! This is a new technique for the icing where you start in the middle and go out with one of my tips and they come out awesome looking like roses.

This was my big Valentines day gift. I have been drooling over these amazing satin Victorias secret pajamas for about a month now. Dan Dan took me to the mall and said they were mine! I basically haven't taken them off since...

On Valentiens day, we went to see the movie that i had been waiting very patiently to see. And i have fallen in love with it. I just loved the movie. I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it. It only made it better that the gorgeous Channing Tatum and beautiful Rachel McAdams are two of my favorite actors.

Yesterday was one of those days where Allie and Sam worked all day and i needed a place to go. The one place that always welcomes me with open arms is my library. After reading my Aunt Laurie's blog ( and seeing her new book recommendations i tried some of them out for myself. This one is called "How to Walk in High Heels" because obviously i need to learn to walk in them, look that shoes i'm wearing right now.  
Actually i wore high heels on Valentines day i almost forgot!! Wanna See them??
Theyre so amazing, and guess how much i paid for them?? $15!! what a find! Theyre presh on me and make my legs look like a foot longer!

Back to the library books, these are called "Life's too short to fold fitted sheets" "Crafty Superstar" and "Count the ways; the greatest love stories of our times"

and lastly these are "Button it up" "Chicken and Egg" and "Better each day"
i'm still working on reading them!

Lastly, i made dinner last night!! Like alot of nights i played the mom and made homeade Cherry Limeade,

And fajitas, rice, and black beans!!

It was so good!! 
Now to finish this post, i will say to please pray for me allie and sam. First of all The barkers were supposed to move out today and so far its not looking very good meaning who knows when we will get to move...So please pray that they move out so we don't go crazy. Also poor ole Sam has the flu. Please pray that she gets better and that me and Allie don't catch it!!
xoxo Princess Lacey