Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2015 Resolutions

2014 was full of ups and downs along with lots of change, and who am I kidding everyone is scared of change. Although change isn't always bad, it's just different. Change always leads you into something new which can be scary and exciting. So as of tomorrow, we are saying goodbye to 2014 and hello to a change of pace known as 2015! With it being New Years Eve, I figured I might share a few of my New Years Resolutions.
I've always struggled with this and it seems to end up on my resolution list most years. My boyfriend enjoys back rubs about as much as I enjoy giving them to him, but I can imagine they would be much more enjoyable if I didn't bite my nails. So he recently made a wager with me that if I stop biting my nails, he would pay for me to get a manicure once a month. Which I can totally go for. Pretty nails and better back rubs here I come!

With a little more time on my hands recently, I've managed to come across a few blogs that I've been stalking and that have gotten my creative juices flowing. I discovered "TrashToCouture" a little while back and I LOVE seeing her turn normal ugly old clothes into beautiful updated one of a kind pieces. I carry at least three notebooks with me wherever I got and one of them houses lots of ideas and pictures of creative things, my "Junk Journal" to be exact. Inspiration is everywhere, I just have to look closer and find it.

Another thing I struggle with. I'm really good at being the one to constantly be on my phone at dinner or work or having a conversation and I know it's got to be annoying to everyone around me. Plus if I'm constantly checking it out, I might miss something beautiful around me. I've been getting a little better about this and I can only get better.

Graduating college WADDUP. I am currently a 5th year senior and there is nothing wrong with that! I'm just taking a victory lap. (J/K Mom) I've paid my dues to my university and I am ready to get out of there! Hopefully before I graduate I can find a nice internship or job with a record label in the music industry in downtown Nashville. Starting to get my resume out there but I have to graduate first! Pray for me ya'll!

Resolutions can be hard to hang on to. Just think of how many people's resolutions involve the gym and after a month they never go back! New Years Resolutions are all about accountability. If you have someone by your side holding you accountable, there's nothing you can't accomplish. Patrick likes to smack my hand every time I bring it up to my mouth to bite my nails. (Someone really wants better back rubs.) Pick a friend, have an accountability conversation, and just like that your resolution will be a success! Do ya'll have any resolutions for the new year? And if so, how do you guys keep them? 
See you all in 2015!

xoxo Princess Lacey

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