Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2015 Resolutions

2014 was full of ups and downs along with lots of change, and who am I kidding everyone is scared of change. Although change isn't always bad, it's just different. Change always leads you into something new which can be scary and exciting. So as of tomorrow, we are saying goodbye to 2014 and hello to a change of pace known as 2015! With it being New Years Eve, I figured I might share a few of my New Years Resolutions.
I've always struggled with this and it seems to end up on my resolution list most years. My boyfriend enjoys back rubs about as much as I enjoy giving them to him, but I can imagine they would be much more enjoyable if I didn't bite my nails. So he recently made a wager with me that if I stop biting my nails, he would pay for me to get a manicure once a month. Which I can totally go for. Pretty nails and better back rubs here I come!

With a little more time on my hands recently, I've managed to come across a few blogs that I've been stalking and that have gotten my creative juices flowing. I discovered "TrashToCouture" a little while back and I LOVE seeing her turn normal ugly old clothes into beautiful updated one of a kind pieces. I carry at least three notebooks with me wherever I got and one of them houses lots of ideas and pictures of creative things, my "Junk Journal" to be exact. Inspiration is everywhere, I just have to look closer and find it.

Another thing I struggle with. I'm really good at being the one to constantly be on my phone at dinner or work or having a conversation and I know it's got to be annoying to everyone around me. Plus if I'm constantly checking it out, I might miss something beautiful around me. I've been getting a little better about this and I can only get better.

Graduating college WADDUP. I am currently a 5th year senior and there is nothing wrong with that! I'm just taking a victory lap. (J/K Mom) I've paid my dues to my university and I am ready to get out of there! Hopefully before I graduate I can find a nice internship or job with a record label in the music industry in downtown Nashville. Starting to get my resume out there but I have to graduate first! Pray for me ya'll!

Resolutions can be hard to hang on to. Just think of how many people's resolutions involve the gym and after a month they never go back! New Years Resolutions are all about accountability. If you have someone by your side holding you accountable, there's nothing you can't accomplish. Patrick likes to smack my hand every time I bring it up to my mouth to bite my nails. (Someone really wants better back rubs.) Pick a friend, have an accountability conversation, and just like that your resolution will be a success! Do ya'll have any resolutions for the new year? And if so, how do you guys keep them? 
See you all in 2015!

xoxo Princess Lacey

Thursday, December 18, 2014

2014: A Reflection

2014 has been a whirlwind of a year. I said goodbye to some. I said hello to many others. And I'm very thankful for everything that has happened this year. 

2014 was a year of... Friends.
From Christmas parties...

To shot gunning beers at a formal event...

To taking a spring break trip to Panama City Beach, this year has been heavily weighed on my awesome group of friends.

2014 has been a year of... Music
From hearing music on the beach everyday on spring break...

To dancing on the bar during CMA fest at Coyote Ugly...

To CMA fest week as a whole. If you don't know what CMA fest is, it's the best week of the year. A huge country music festival in downtown Nashville. What most don't know is that there are free shows all day before the big shows at night. I highly recommend everyone coming to it!

Music is the best part about living around Nashville. Some stars like Jake Owen play spastic summer ending shows that can be announced as late as the day of. Being an hour from Nashville, it's easy to head down there.

And here's the biggest part of the year as far as music goes. I was blessed enough to get to go with my best friend as he tried out for The Voice, American Idol, and America's Got Talent. The Voice turned him down, but made him insanely more driven to try again. As far as American Idol goes, I'm not allowed to reveal results until it airs at the first of the year, but watch for him! And for America's Got Talent, we will find out if he makes it in the early of the year. Collin White is his name. You can find him on youtube, Spotify, and ITunes. Check him out, my best friend has some badass talent.
2014 was a year of... Fishing
Many free moments this year on warm days, I found myself down by the river, at a pond, or by Dunbar cave fishing with anyone that would accompany me. 

Cousins and friends almost always joined.

And whats an afternoon of fishing without a cold one?

Sometimes we even fish for trees. Right shelby?

2014 was a year of....Baseball.
In 2014, the combination of dill pickle sunflower seeds and baseball stole my heart.

I went to my first MLB game and absolutely fell in love with my St. Louis Cardinals.

And it was confirmed that beer and Cardinal baseball is the most perfect combination that there is.

And that Busch Stadium is one of the most beautiful places on earth.
2014 was a year of...Family.
The best family in this world.

I got to see two of my cousins graduate high school.

And my favorite family tradition...Bell Buckle.

And of course an annual beach trip.

Look at all those good looking girls.
2014 was a year of...New Beginnings.

The Titans got a new head coach and I got to tour my favorite place to be. 

ANDDDD I moved into  new apartment.

This is the cleanest it's ever been. Oooops.

Oh yes and I reconnected with this amazing man. Hanging out with someone that you always have fun with is pretty great.
Goodbye 2014! Can't wait to see what 2015 has in store.
xo Princess Lacey.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Junk Journal

As much as I love my iPhone, I don't use it for things that a lot of people use it for. I use mine for social media and my alarm. I've barely even touched the calendar. I just love the reassurance of having all of my plans and such written down. Plus I grew up with my mom keeping calendars and writing everything down from years past and I always loved that she was able to look up exactly when things happened. Same has always gone for when I write or want to create something. Microsoft word has always been there and I've tried to use it to store my thoughts but I just can't seem to get into it other than school work. Pinterest was a little different to me. I am absolutely obsessed with Pinterest and my Pinterest boards are one of my favorite things in this world because of the inspiration it sparks for me. So a long time ago I decided, why not bring my Pinterest boards to life by letting them spill into my notebook that I write in and always keep with me any ways? With a little creativity and a little push stemmed from Aunt Laurie, I got to work.
Apparently there's a thing going around called a "Smash" book. If you've been left out of the loop like me, a smash book is somewhat a less formal way of scrapbooking. You can actually buy a "Smash" book but I prefer to use my own. It's nothing but a notebook full of quotes, pictures, and anything you can possibly cram in there. I might have been left out of the loop on the lingo of this so called "Smash" book, but I have carried a Junk Journal for a long time now. For as long as I can remember, I cannot possibly leave the house without my planner and at least one notebook just in case something sparks a little in my mind that i need to jot it down. My junk journal includes lots of thoughts, quotes, and any picture I find inspiration from from my Pinterest page.
I just cannot help but to be so proud and excited when I finish a new page in my junk journal. The inspiration that comes from these mostly come from my Pinterest board titled "Creative Inspiration." I will pin and pin for days and at the end of the week, I will print off that ones that stand out to me and cut and paste and Voila! You too can do a junk journal! Some may see it as a waste of time, but I see it as a way to get out all of the ideas constantly moving through my mind.
Now what are you waiting for? Run to the store, grab a composition notebook and some wash tape and get to work! If you want to go the actual "Smash" book route, Michael's carries them and I'm sure Hobby Lobby does too.

If You'd like to follow me on my AWESOME Pinterest page, or just take a look at a little inspiration, here's the link to my page! 


xoxo Princess Lacey

Monday, December 8, 2014

Guess Who's Back?

Slim Shady obviously.... Just kidding it's me!
I once again failed as a blogger and am determined to get back on my feet. Not for any reason in particular, but it is on my New Year's Resolution list! So let's get this show on the road!
It has been a solid year since I posted on my blog and it's been a whirlwind to say the least. I would catch you all up but why not just look forward to the bright bright future??
The last post I posted was about my favorite Thanksgiving winter tradition my family does, our annual gingerbread houses! I figured that might be the best way to fill ya'll in is to just pick up where I left off. So without further adieu, here is my gingerbread house 2014 edition!

Nashville Predators

I used multiple candies, icing, and food coloring. The bottom with the circles and lines on it are the lines on the hockey rink. The stand up upside down ice cream cone is Bridgestone Arena. The four gingerbread men are Pekka Rinne in the twizzlers and air heads hockey goal, Mike Fisher giving an opposing team member a black eye, and James Neal headed to the goal with the puck ready to score. You see I've found out last year that it is much more fun to make a gingerbread house while having someones interests in mind, because nothing is better than seeing their face light up when you give it to them! So this year someoneeeeeeee had a little subconscious way of helping me decide. Little did he know it would be centered around what he loves. And I'm SO happy with the way it turned out!

Waddup Patrick.

Also, what's Thanksgiving without sneaking a water bottle of homed Sangria into the bowling alley?

Until next time my loves!

xoxo Princess Lacey