Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Cottage

Apologies in major advance. I currently do not have wifi because..... I MOVED. Believe it or not, I graduated in May. Five long years I wouldn't take back for the world. I've never had a more proud moment in my life. I've also never had a moment that made me feel like I would throw up or trip walking across that stage but I somehow stomached it and here I am!! Say hello to the most expensive piece of paper I've ever held.

After graduating, I somehow managed to snag a job that wasn't exactly what I wanted, but I have enjoyed (almost) every moment of it. I was told from day 1 there is no crying in payroll and I can't say I've lived up to that yet, but I've done my best and I'm learning so much every day. Here's the awesome group of ladies I work with.

And what job description is complete without a snapshot of my cube. Cube sweet cube.

Anddddddd after finally getting out of Clarksville, I moved back home into a small little place we call "The Cottage" and I couldn't be more in love with it. Mom and Dad bought it in shambles and completely re did it to make it more than livable for me and my roommate Shelby. 

To say I'm obsessed is an understatement. Two bedrooms, one bath, a kick ass patio, and a luxury party barn where I spend most of my free time.

I even built myself a tee pee. Like I could help myself.

How could you not want to come home after work to a sunset like this?

And what patio is complete without christmas lights?

And as much as I don't like this cold weather that is creeping up on us, fall is the season of....



Now that I found some wifi at the coffee shop down the street, more posts are to follow. But for now, there's The Cottage.

xoxo Princess Lacey.

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