Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday Favz.

Fall is here. As much as I hate this chilly weather, I love all the leaves falling and the colors they bring along with them. Fall is the season of football, hockey, and post season baseball, and even though I'm bitter about my Cardinals being a contender anymore for this season, I'm still thankful for post season baseball. I guess we'll try and keep this blog posting going on at least a weekly basis. (more when I get Wifi) Also shout out to Authentic Coffee for allowing me to drink their coffee and steal their wifi for the time being. Below are my Friday Favorites.

1) I always always always try and make some pumpkin seeds when the fall comes around. I love keeping a bag in my desk at work for the occasional spicy snack. Cleaning out the pumpkin is totally worth the seeds inside. This year, as well as last year, I used Butt Rub to season my seeds. My family uses Butt Rub like Will Ferrell uses syrup in Elf. Seriously we put it on everything. It's just so danggggg good!

2) My camper pumpkin! Although she isn't looking too pretty anymore (because I carved her two weeks ago) I still like the sight of this pretty thang on my picnic table beside my house! I'm in love with campers, absolutely in love and I can't wait to own one one day. Hopppppefullly a vintage Airstream. (fingers crossed)

3) I turned 24 last Friday and I decided it was time for me to suck it up and get a tattoo. I don't do well with pain or needles but I did it with ease might I say! I draw an arrow on myself every single day and the thought popped into my head one day, "Why don't you just get a tattoo of it?" So I did and I'm absolutely obsessed with it. It's not nearly as bad as you think. If you've ever thought about getting a tattoo, just go get it. Do something cool.

4) Danielle Bradbery's new song Friend Zone is sooooooo good. I cannot stop listening to it. The ladies of Tribe Kelley are featured in the video with Danielle so I can't stop watching the video either. All of the clothes they are wearing in the video is Tribe Kelley as well. Hello. Perfection. I'll put the video below!

5)Ahhhhh Tribe Kelley. Tribe Kelley is a clothing brand that Brian (from the Florida Georgia Line) and his wife Brittney Kelley started last year around Christmas time and I am beyond obsessed. I own 5 tribe pieces and have one more on the way. Even though they are pretty expensive, everything they have is USA made and are the comfiest items of clothing I have ever owned. They are by far my favorite clothing company. Go out and join the Tribe ya'll.

6) My Birks are the love of my life. I've had them for about a year and I literally wear them everyday. I actually bought mine pre-loved on Ebay for $20 and I have big time gotten my money's worth. Last year I put them up for the winter, but this year they're being worn with socks. Sorry fashion.

This weekend is Bell Buckle with Mama! Look for a post next week of all of the Bell Buckle excitement!

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