Thursday, December 5, 2013

Gingerbread House 2013

I apologize greatly for the lack of posting already. I promise I haven't forgotten about you.
It is finals week here at school and it just so happens that I've been sick.
Anyway, here's the work I did. A grand total of 3 and a half hours was spent!

Gingerbread House 2013.
Busch Stadium Edition.
Stepping up my game this year with yet another planned ahead of time theme.

Of course I had to feature my favorite cousin! We were way to excited to begin on these houses.

Without further or due...DRUMROLL PLEASE

Taking into consideration many things about Busch Stadium, including the infield, bases, arches when you walk in (featured here in chocolate chips), a scoreboard, the St. Louis arch, and of course Cardinals emblems. 
side views show the top very well.
The Cardinal was done with mostly icing, a nerd, gunny worms, and part of a navy m&m.

here's a better view of the Arch!

Very very proud of my creation! Worth every second.

Here's the complete project. 
I'd say I've come pretty far in the past four years shown below!

And here I leave you ith one of my favorite quotes by one of my favorite ladies. Kate Spade.

Hope you all have a good week!

xoxo Princess Lacey